Map of Weeks Property

Success!  This property has been conserved!

weeks property project thumbnailThe Lakes Region Conservation Trust teamed up with the Gilford Conservation Commission on this Conservation Project in Gilford.  Previously, LRCT and Conservation Commission successfully conserved Piper Mountain and the Jail Pasture.   This time, LRCT and the Commission worked to conserve the Weeks Property, a 65 acre parcel along Belknap Mountain Road that abuts other conservation land on the village side of Gunstock Mountain.  The property has now been conserved and work has begun on planning trails and a parking lot.  A celebration will be planned after this work is complete.

Eileen Weeks wants this property conserved.  She and her late husband John, loved this land.  It included the open field along the road, the sunset ledge high above and the further sweep up to the summit of Gunstock.  Surrounded by previously conserved land, this property is one of the last scenic parcels along the west side of Gunstock.